June 15, 2024

Detente (1 gen 1969 anni – 1 gen 1979 anni)


|1970 -1980|

The period of Detente is a relax in tensions between the superpowers. The main reasons they wanted to improve relations was:

- To reduce the threat of nuclear war. Both powers had stockpiles of weapons with the capacity to destroy the earth many times over. The Cuban Missile Crisis had show how dangerous the cold war had become and it scared them

- To increase trade. The US economy was crippled by the cost of war in Vietnam and the USSR had low living standards and poor industrial efficiency.

- By 1968 the USA wanted to pull out of Vietnam and Nixon thought that if he improved relations with the USSR, Brezhnev would be able to convince Vietnam to pull out of the war. This idea was 'linkage'.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1969 anni
1 gen 1979 anni
~ 10 years