June 15, 2024

[13] Reign of Tusam Sangȇlam Targandam (30 apr 880 anni – 18 nov 900 anni)


Sangȇlam Klovisando Targandam
(B: 818; D: 903 [Age 85])
Targandam Kloviso
Born in Rodanta, Tongaleka Lílántoi

Sangȇlam was from the GuomRodantoi (City of Rodanta) and came from the famous TargandamasRodantoi (Targandams of Rodanta). He grew up in the BasekumGurodai (Palace of Bulls) and was trained to become one of the greatest bullfighters in Makarum. He was originally not expected to inherit his father's title as KutasamRodantoi (Lord of Rodanta) and as the TongalugamLílántoi (Imperinator of Lílántum) either, because of his older brother Ãlonsam. So during his teenage years (828-837) he became an extremely experienced and well trained Gurodamuntugam (bullfighter).

He was bullfighting in matches across the empire but during his fight against the famed bull, Nasungasotam, in 838, he was brutually hit, causing him to develop a limp and constant pain in his right side. His injury forced him to retire from bullfighting forever. From his injury until his acsent to power, Sangȇlam started to read the classic Rekem literature from the periods before the Start of the TurkenamSavui and from its time as well and he started to write a history called, "GurodamuntamNaMakarus" (Bullfighting in Makarum), which was finished in 858.

Sangȇlam's brother died in 840, and then his father died 4 weeks after, putting Sangȇlam into politics and power. Not knowing how to rule anything, he learned the politics and complex laws of the Empire quicklu, rising in the senate at an unexpected rate. At the start of the SukamStialamBronkaslota, he sent numerous troops to Bronkasla during Tusam Gelkam's time in power and then when Saudam Polabram took over, Sangȇlam heavily financed his armies.

During Tusam Saudam's first stint as Tusam, Sangȇlam was not on his council and instead stayed in the Senate. It wasn't until after Saudam regained power after capturing Felusam Geulíspeidam that Sangȇlam was chosen to become the new Minister of Coin. Once he was on the Council of the Tusam, he gained massive influence and popularity among electors. This would help him to be chosen as the next TusamMakaroi after the death of Saudam.

During his reign as Tusam, he continued former Tusam Saudam's policies on military and strengthening the Kentusolam (Emperorship). He also tried to negotiate treaties and trade deals among the Southern Xoxet nations, most notably the Bjeskar peoples. Overall, he sought to continue the legacy of making the TurkenamMakaroi great again and stop corruption within the government and higher classes. Even though he was a receiver of the corruption for the higher classes, he still tried to convince the common people he was against it all. As he did not have a Minister of Coin, instead taking on the job's responsibilites himself, he continued to grow the Makaroi economy how he had fully wanted it, bringing in much more surpluses than under any Makaroi emperor before him.

In the year 900, Tusam Sangȇlam, who was absolutely beloved by his people, knew that he was getting too old to continue ruling the empire. So he decided to retire his title as emperor and bestow it onto his son, Rogosam. As written in the Succession Laws of the Electorate Empire, if a Tusam was to retire his title, he has the right to grant it to an heir of his choosing, thus an Imperial Election cannot take place if a retirement is performed properly. After he retired as Tusam, Sangȇlam moved back to Rodanta and resided there for the last 3 years of his life, dying peacefully in his sleep on May 4, 903. A large national funeral was held for the revered emperor in Dínisum (as is the tradition when a beloved emperor dies), and his body was buried in the Imperial Cemetary ontop of TunípúmNavoso (Hill of Navos). Tusam Rogosam Targandum declared 20 months of mourning, which ended on July 18, 905.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


30 apr 880 anni
18 nov 900 anni
~ 20 years