June 15, 2024

Anduonam's March on Dinisum [Tagúlam Anduono Dínisota] (10 giug 205 anni – 3 agos 205 anni)


After his escape from prison, he took his sister as his wife (which was horribly taboo in Turkenam Savui) and marched on Dinisum in 205 to try to take back the throne from his brother.

His forces were met with fierce resistence when they passed through the Skalemon Pass. But Sodam pulled back his forces to protect Pravas and Tenousíl. Anduonam flanked Sodam's forces by going through Durom and then immediately to Dinisum. Sodam quickly pulled his forces back to the capital before his brother got to the gates and he sent one half of his army to halt Anduonam.

Anduonam repelled this attack and continued onto Dinisum where he assaulted the city's gates and then breached the city. His soldiers were ordered to not loot, rape, or pillage the city AT ALL and they were forced to march towards the Palace of Savas. Although his forces made it into the city, Anduonam was struck by a ballista and his body was obliterated, killing him. Immediately, his forces either retreated or surrendered (most laid down their arms and gave up) and the March was ended.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 giug 205 anni
3 agos 205 anni
~ 1 months and 24 days
