June 15, 2024

Benjamin Finks stay at the boarding house (9 marzo 1988 anni – 29 apr 1988 anni)


During this period of time, Fink's brother visited Fink on basically a weekly basis for about six weeks. Fink's brother last saw Fink in late April. Fink disappeared at the end of April. The day Fink disappeared he was under the influence of alcohol, and defendant told another tenant "that she was going to take Ben upstairs and make him feel better." About four days later, this tenant smelled a bad odor which he identified as the "[s]mell of death" from "a dead body" that had been dead for at least two days emanating from the room off of the upstairs flat's kitchen. Defendant told this tenant that the sewer had backed up.

Defendant subsequently told the police that Fink had gone "back to Marysville" in the summer of 1988 after she asked him to leave and "not to ever come back on the property." She said she told Fink to move "because I couldn't take his falling down drinking any more."

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


9 marzo 1988 anni
29 apr 1988 anni
~ 1 months and 21 days