June 15, 2024

Dorothy Miller is places into the boarding house (21 ottob 1987 anni – 13 nov 1987 anni)


On October 21, 1987, Nickerson placed 65-year-old Dorothy Miller at 1426 F Street. Miller lived in the upstairs flat in a room off the kitchen. Miller was an "extremely paranoid" and "combative" alcoholic who had a history of suicide attempts and violent outbursts. . On October 22, Miller was cited for petty theft after she was seen shoplifting two packs of cigarettes. The following week, Miller came to Nickerson's office and asked for help in dealing with this citation. On October 23, 1987, Miller was seen by a physician for gynecological problems. A subsequent appointment was scheduled for November 13.

A few weeks after arriving at 1426 F Street, Miller disappeared. Defendant told one of her other tenants that Miller had been arrested for shoplifting "and she couldn't put up with her no more, and she throwed [sic] her out." She also told someone that she had had a nurse come and take Miller away. Defendant told Ordorica that Miller was in a hospital in Martinez to undergo treatment for her alcoholism. Miller did not show up for her scheduled November 13 doctor's appointment.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


21 ottob 1987 anni
13 nov 1987 anni
~ 23 days