June 15, 2024

Dorothy Miller SSI benefits (21 ottob 1987 anni – 11 nov 1988 anni)


She had been receiving SSA benefits since 1986. Miller also was eligible for a Veteran's Administration pension of $517 a month based on her psychiatric disability. Miller had never been prescribed flurazepam or carbamazepine, but she had been prescribed Valium in the past.

Miller's SSA payments were sent to a representative payee in Shasta County until November 1987. In late October 1987, defendant introduced Ordorica to Miller and asked him to act as Miller's "payee." Ordorica agreed to do so, and he and Miller went to the Social Security office to sign the appropriate papers. In early November 1987, Ordorica became Miller's representative payee. Miller's SSA checks where thereafter sent to 1426 F Street. A few weeks after arriving at 1426 F Street

Defendant thereafter made a practice of giving Miller's SSA check to Ordorica each month as partial payment of rent. Beginning in December 1987, Miller's pension checks also began coming to 1426 F Street. Defendant also applied these checks to her rent by giving them to Ordorica. These two checks together paid defendant's rent every month thereafter. On October 31, 1987, defendant forged Miller's signature on an application for HEAP benefits. Defendant also forged Miller's signature on an application for RAP benefits dated October 29, 1987 and May 1988. An application for a Renter's Credit was filed in Miller's name in December 1987. Defendant forged Miller's endorsement signature on numerous checks for a total of more than $11000 beginning in October 1987.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


21 ottob 1987 anni
11 nov 1988 anni
~ 1 years