July 1, 2024

Dorothea gets out of prison and moves in with everest gillmouth (26 agos 1985 anni – 1 dic 1985 anni)


in prison, Puente found herself a pen pal, 77-year-old Oregon resident Everson Gillmouth. When she was released in 1985 after serving three years, Gillmouth drove down to California to pick her up. He expected they would marry soon after, they were already making wedding plans.. (see what year she met him. Sometime between 1982-1985) They also opened up a joint bank account.

Gillmouth was 77 years old and in "relatively good medical condition" in August 1985. He had been receiving Social Security retirement (hereafter SSA) benefits since 1973. His monthly SSA benefits amounted to $632. He also received monthly pension checks for $42.59. Gillmouth owned a truck and a trailer. He left his home in Oregon with his truck and trailer in the middle of August 1985 with the intent of residing with defendant at 1426 F Street. On August 26, 1985, the address to which his SSA checks were sent was changed to 1426 F Street. Gillmouth arrived in Sacramento around September 1, 1985 and he moved into the upper flat at 1426 F Street. Defendant had told Ordorica to expect Gillmouth. Gillmouth and Ordorica drove down to Fresno in Gillmouth's truck to pick defendant up from prison. Gillmouth spoke with his sister in Oregon by phone in the middle of September 1985. This was the last time she heard from him.

Beginning in early October 1985, defendant began writing checks on the joint checking account Gillmouth had opened in both their names. In October 1985, a $500 check from Gillmouth, deposited by defendant in her savings account, was returned by the bank unpaid. Defendant wrote Gillmouth's sister in October 1985 and informed her that defendant and Gillmouth were planning to get married on November 2. Defendant asserted that Gillmouth had "sold" his trailer. In November, Gillmouth's sister received a mailgram dated November 2 which purported to be from Gillmouth. It indicated that Gilllmouth was going to Palm Springs. In November or December 1985, defendant forged Gillmouth's signature on certificates of title transferring ownership of his truck and his trailer to other persons.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


26 agos 1985 anni
1 dic 1985 anni
~ 3 months and 7 days