June 15, 2024

Biotech (26 marzo 2019 anni – 23 agos 2019 anni)


Jake made trillions of dollars the co-head of the SCP foundation, but he didn't want to pay his taxes, so Jake built a multi trillion dollar future tech industry named Biotech. After the SCP foundation shut down due to several failed expirements ending in death, Biotech became Jake's leading company. They had many enemies trying to take them down, but the Co-Owner (Gage, i think) bribed them with $50 billion each so that they wouldn't attack them.
At it's height, they had a unblocked games slide, inventions slide, allies/enemies slide, news slide, and much more. At one point, it reached up to 15 people.

They eventually fell when their stocks plummeted at the of the school year.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


26 marzo 2019 anni
23 agos 2019 anni
~ 5 months