June 15, 2024

The Second Hells War (27 giug 1427 anni – 31 dic 1445 anni)


The Second Hells War is another continental War that has taken place in Yueroki. It is grouped under the Grand Continental Wars.
Oipientian Victory

PHASE I (1420.05.05 ~ 1425.06.27) Grotian Phase
Grotian, Uytile (Klertinian support) vs Oipienta, Krilkot
Oipientian victory
Collapse of Both Grotian and Uytile

PHASE II (1425.06.27~1432.10.07) Larifien Phase
Larifien, Goltreno, Xeeri, Daprania (Klertinian support until '27), Klertinia joined in '28 vs Oipienta, Krilkot, Etrill, Ecrad, Larif
Oipientian victory
Collapse of Larifien and Klertinia

PHASE III (1432.10.07~1438.03.09) Mredon Phase
Oipienta, Etrill, Ecrad, Larif vs Xeeri, Mredon, Goltreno, Daprania, Newthus
Oipientian victory
Collapse of Xeeri
Ecradii vassalization of Goltreno

PHASE IV (1438.03.09 ~ 1440.10.23) Dapranian Phase
Oipienta, Ecrad, Etrill, Larif vs Daprania, Newthus, (supported by Mredon)
Dapranian victory
Successful defense from Daprania against Oipienta and Etrill.
Vassalization of Etrill by Daprania

PHASE V (1440.10.23 ~ 1445.12.31) Oipientian Phase
Oipienta, Ecrad, Larif vs Newthus (supported by Mredon)
White Peace + End of war

Oipienta annexed Grotian, Uytile, Larifien, Klertinia, and Xeeri
Oipientia vassalized Larif peacefully
Ecrad vassalized Goltreno

Daprania vassalized Etrill

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


27 giug 1427 anni
31 dic 1445 anni
~ 18 years