June 15, 2024

Sobekhotep VIII (2 gen 1615 anni a. C. – 1 gen 1600 anni a. C.)



Sekhemre-Sewasertawy Sobekhotep VIII, credited with a 16-year reign in the Turin Canon, was long classified as the third king of the 16th dynasty because the name of the king preceding him in this royal list is Djehuty (with a 3-year reign). A study of all the inscriptions of this king, however, shows that his title is typical of the 13th dynasty (Labarta: 2017, 279-288). Moreover, the architectural arrangements he made in a temple courtyard in Karnak show that he resided in Thebes, the capital of the 13th dynasty (the few monuments of the 16th dynasty have been found in Edfu). Only the Egyptian kings dated their reign, which was not the case for the Hyksos kings111. Finally, Ryholt, who dates this reign from 1645- 1629 BCE, classifies it as the 16th dynasty because he assumes that this dynasty preceded the 17th, Firstly, the kings attested by inscriptions cannot be eliminated from the Egyptian chronology. The only contemporary attestation of Sobekhotep VIII is a stela found inside the third pylon at Karnak, dated to the epagomenal, or final five days, of Sobekhotep VIII's 4th regnal year, and describes his attitude at a temple, probably that of Karnak, during a massive Nile flood:

(Life to) the son of Ra Sobekhotep, beloved of the great inundation, given life for ever. Year 4, 4th month of Shemu, the epagomenal days, under the auspices of the person of this god, living for ever. His person went to the hall of this temple in order to see the great inundation. His person came to the hall of this temple which was full of water. Then his person waded there [...]

According to John Baines, who studied the stela in detail, by coming to the temple as it was flooded, the king re-enacted the Egyptian story of the creation of the world in imitating the actions of the creator god Amun-Ra, to which the stela iconography closely associates the king, ordering the waters to recede from around the primordial mount (Baines: 1974, 39-54). The level of this exceptional flooding of the Nile and its date therefore had a major symbolic significance for Sobekhotep VIII. The precise date of this exceptional flood: IV Shemu 30(+1-5), Year 4 (just before I Akhet 1, Year 5), allows us to date this event precisely because the flooding of the Nile began in mid-July and reached its peak towards the end of September. The equivalence I Akhet 1 = 30 September is satisfied from 1617 to 1613 BCE, which makes it possible to attribute a reign to Sobekhotep VIII (1616-1600) within 4 years. It is interesting to note that the date of the flood almost corresponds to the year of birth of Moses in 1613 BCE. If Moses was born in the year of this exceptional flood, which had meant the coming of a new era of the world for the Egyptians, then Sobekhotep VIII must have reigned from 1616 to 1600 BCE.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


2 gen 1615 anni a. C.
1 gen 1600 anni a. C.
~ 15 years