June 15, 2024

Egypt 16th Dynasty (Thebian with Capital Edfu) (1 gen 1572 anni a. C. – 1 sett 1531 anni a. C.)



Incomprehensibly, after the reign of Pharaoh Apopi (1613-1573) began the 16th dynasty which was typically Egyptian, not Semitic: 1) birth names are all Egyptian, 2) reigns are relatively short (3 years on average) due to the “first brother/ brother” succession and 3) none of the kings used scarabs engraved with their name. According to all these elements it is evident that an extremely important negative event occurred at the end of Apopi's reign, who was the last powerful Hyksos king. What is even stranger is that this king disappeared for 40 years and reappeared at the end of the 17th dynasty in 1533 BCE, which triggered the “War of the Hyksos” and the death of Seqenenre Taa.

We note that after King Apopi, the following Hyksos dynasty (16th Dynasty) changed its capital, Edfu, north of Thebes (centre of the war of liberation against the Hyksos), instead of Avaris and that all kings of this dynasty bore only Egyptian names (Oren: 1997, 12). During this long period the king of Egypt died. The Israelites, groaning in their servitude, cried out for help and from the depths of their servitude their cry came up to God (Ex 2:23). This “long period” corresponds to the domination of Theban kings belonging to the 16th Dynasty (1573-1533). Consequently when Moses returned to Egypt there were the Hyksos kings of 16th Dynasty and the Egyptian Kings of 17th Dynasty. Thus Moses had to discuss with Egyptian officials (17th dynasty) and with Jewish/Hyksos officers (16th dynasty) totally subservient to Pharaoh...

It should be noted that some high-ranking Jewish officers of the 16th Dynasty refused to cooperate with Moses and even opposed him: Now in the way that Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so these also go on resisting the truth, men completely corrupted in mind, disapproved as regards the faith (2Tm 3:8). The precision disapproved as regards the faith proves that they were Jewish rulers, not Egyptian priests. This is confirmed by Pliny the Elder (c. 77 CE): There is another sect, also, of adepts in the magic art, who derive their origin from Moses, Jannes, and Lotapea, Jews by birth, but many thousand years posterior to Zoroaster (The Natural History XXX:2). According to the Jewish literature of the 1st century, Jannes and his brother Jambres opposed Moses under the influence of Belial (Damascus Document 5:18-19).

Thus, contrary to what the Egyptologists claim, the chronological and geographical indications of the Bible are in perfect accord with those of the Egyptian documents. In addition the Bible gives explanations about the origin of the Hyksos: They were appointed as royal governors when Joseph was appointed as vizier (1758-1744); These first “Hyksos kings” (14th Dynasty) had chosen Tanis because Abraham had built this town; When Joseph died (in 1678 BCE) they came in Avaris and founded a new dynasty (15th Dynasty); Moses was appointed as pharaoh when he was born and reigned 40 years under his birth name Apopi (1613-1573); When Moses came back to Egypt 40 years later (in 1533 BCE), his return triggered the war of the Hyksos.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1572 anni a. C.
1 sett 1531 anni a. C.
~ 40 years