July 1, 2024

Selma to Montgomery March (7 marzo 1965 anni – 21 marzo 1965 anni)


Led by Martin Luther King the Selma march was a 54 mile march from Selma, Alabama to the state capital Montgomery. The march focused on encourage voting in the rural communities of alabama and on the recent death of a activist protesting for voting who was killed by an officer. The march was met with extreme resistance and violence from the police and white hate groups. The first time they tried to walk to montgomery they were met with fully armed police men that attacked them and pushed them back into selma. This was caught on national television sparking rage from thousands of all different sects who then flocked to selma to join the march. King then leading 2,000 protesters crossed edmund pettus bridge, where they had been previously stopped, walked to highway 80 where troopers were waiting for them. King believing it was trap turned around. The President than pledged his support and the national guard stepped in under the eyes of the nation. Finally they made it to the capital. King and others made speeches and later the president called for new voting bills in congress.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


7 marzo 1965 anni
21 marzo 1965 anni
~ 14 days
