June 15, 2024

SNCC Formed (1 apr 1960 anni – 1 gen 1976 anni)


The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was founded in 1960 by Ella Baker who worked with the SCLC and thought it wasnt connecting with young black activist who wanted more from the movement. They played a large role in the freedom rides and the freedom summer movements. SNCC was seen as more radical and demanding than SCLC and king and were less compromising, which created some divide between the two. Baker tending to set the nonviolence aspect as political tactic rather than moral and the next leader sought violence in hopes it would accomplish what they couldn't before. Carmichael elected in '66 popularized black power and black reliance within the community, focusing less on desegregation and more on black excellence

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 apr 1960 anni
1 gen 1976 anni
~ 15 years