June 15, 2024

Pre-Dynastic China (1 gen 10000 anni a. C. – 31 dic 2825 anni a. C.)


Pre-Dynastic China (alternatively known as Neolithic China) refers to the period of Chinese history before the emergence of the Xia Dynasty, which is considered by some historians to be the first dynasty in Chinese history. This period is largely based on legends and myths, as there is limited archaeological evidence to confirm the existence of any specific rulers or political systems.

According to traditional Chinese mythology, the pre-Xia period was marked by the emergence of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, legendary rulers who were said to have laid the foundation for Chinese civilization. These figures were credited with inventing agriculture, developing the Chinese calendar, and establishing the first systems of government and social organization.

However, the exact nature of pre-Xia China remains largely unknown and debated among scholars. Some believe that the era was characterized by small tribal groups, while others suggest the existence of larger, more centralized political systems. Regardless, the pre-Xia period is considered a formative era in Chinese history, setting the stage for the emergence of the Xia Dynasty and the dynasties that followed.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

11 apr 2023


1 gen 10000 anni a. C.
31 dic 2825 anni a. C.
~ 7178 years
