June 15, 2024

Jeroboam (22 marzo 930 anni a. C. – 15 marzo 910 anni a. C.)


1st King of Isreal, evil...
.He was an Ephraimite and led a revolt against Solomon, inspired probably by the restlessness of N Philistine under the southern rule. Jeroboam fled to Egypt when the plot failed but returned on the accession of Solomon's son, Rehoboam. When the new king would not satisfy the northerners, Jeroboam led a secession, leaving the house of David only Judah and some of the area of Benjamin. Jeroboam became notorious for fostering idolatry in his kingdom of Israel. His capital was first in Shechem and later at Tirzah. Jeroboam was succeeded by his son Nadab.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

11 mesi fa


22 marzo 930 anni a. C.
15 marzo 910 anni a. C.
~ 20 years