June 15, 2024

Great Turkish War (14 lugl 1683 anni – 26 gen 1699 anni)


The Great Turkish War, also known as the War of the Holy League, was a conflict between the Ottoman Empire and an alliance of European powers led by the Habsburgs, which lasted from 1683 to 1699.

The war began when the Ottomans besieged Vienna, the capital of the Habsburgs, but were ultimately defeated by a combined European force led by the Polish king John III Sobieski. The war continued on several fronts, including in Hungary, Croatia, and the Balkans.

The conflict was characterized by several key battles, including the Battle of Zenta, and was fought mainly between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League, which included the Habsburgs, Poland, Venice, and Russia.

The war ended with the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699, which saw the Ottomans cede significant territories to the Holy League, marking the decline of Ottoman power in Europe. The war had a significant impact on the political and social landscape of Europe, and it marked the beginning of the decline of the Ottoman Empire.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 lugl 1683 anni
26 gen 1699 anni
~ 15 years
