June 15, 2024

1304 - 1375 Christine de Pizan (1 sett 1364 anni – 31 dic 1430 anni)


Christine de Pizan (Cristina da Pizzano) was an Italian poet and court writer for King Charles VI of France and several French dukes.

Christine de Pizan served as a court writer in medieval France after the death of her husband. Christine's patrons included dukes Louis I of Orleans, Philip the Bold of Burgundy, and his son John the Fearless.

Considered to be some of the earliest feminist writings, her work includes novels, poetry, and biography, and she also penned literary, historical, philosophical, political, and religious reviews and analyses. Her best known works are the Book of the City of Ladies and The Treasure of the City of Ladies, both written when she worked for John the Fearless of Burgundy.
Her books of advice to princesses, princes, and knights remained in print until the 16th century.
- Wikipedia

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 sett 1364 anni
31 dic 1430 anni
~ 66 years
