June 15, 2024

Babylonian Revolts (1 apr 485 anni a. C. – 1 apr 484 anni a. C.)


Queen Esther wife of Xerxes Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gerard Gertoux

Indeed, from the Battle of Marathon (in 490 BCE), Herodotus describes a climate of insurrection in the Persian Empire: So the men published his commands; and now all Asia was in commotion by the space of 3 years, while everywhere, as Greece was to be attacked, the best and bravest were enrolled for the service, and had to make their preparations accordingly. After this, in the 4th year [486 BCE], the Egyptians whom Cambyses had enslaved revolted from the Persians; whereupon Darius was more hot for war than ever, and earnestly desired to march an army against both adversaries. Now, as he was about to lead forth his levies against Egypt and Athens, a fierce contention for the sovereign power arose among his sons (...) Darius, when he had thus appointed Xerxes his heir, was minded to lead forth his armies; but he was prevented by death while his preparations were still proceeding. He died in the year following the revolt of Egypt and the matters here related, after having reigned in all 36 years, leaving the revolted Egyptians and
the Athenians alike unpunished. At his death the kingdom passed to his son Xerxes (The Histories VII:1-4).

Ctesias said after the death of Darius: Xerxes decided to make war upon Greece, because the Chalcedonians had attempted to break down the bridge as already stated and had destroyed the altar which Darius had set up, and because the Athenians had slain Datis and refused to give up his body. But first he visited Babylon, being desirous of seeing the tomb of Belitanes, which Mardonius showed him. But he was unable to fill the vessel of oil, as had been written. Thence he proceeded to Ecbatana, where he heard of the revolt of the Babylonians and the murder of Zopyrus their satrap (Persica F13§§25-26).

Arrian situated also the Babylonian revolt at the time of his campaign against the Greeks (Anabasis of Alexander III:16:4; VII:17:2), which began in the spring of -485 according to Herodotus (The Histories VII:20).

Plutarch, who confirms the story of Ctesias, said after the death of Darius the kingdom of Xerxes was challenged in a climate of insurrection (very different from the period of accession 10 years earlier): Arimenes came out of Bactria as a rival for the kingdom with his brother Xerxes, the son of Darius. Xerxes sent presents to him, commanding those that brought them to say: With these your brother Xerxes now honours you; and if he chance to be proclaimed king, you shall be the next person to himself in the kingdom. When Xerxes was declared king, Arimenes immediately did him homage and placed the crown upon his head; and Xerxes gave him the next place to himself. Being offended with the Babylonians, who rebelled, and having overcome them, he forbade them weapons (Sayings of kings and commanders 173c)213.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 apr 485 anni a. C.
1 apr 484 anni a. C.
~ 12 months