June 15, 2024

Second Anglo-Powhatan War (1 gen 1644 anni – 1 gen 1646 anni)


Perpetual war between the Powhatans and the Jamestown settlers eventually led to a final attempt by the Indians to dislodge the Virginians. In the Second Anglo-Powhatan war, the Native Americans were again defeated, and any thought of their assimilation into white society was abandoned. Not only that, but they were banished from their ancestral lands and were separated from white areas of settlement, a seed for the modern reservation system. Furthermore, by 1669, only about 2000 Powhatans remained alive, perhaps just ten percent of their numbers in 1607, a result of their susceptibility to the three D's: disease, disorganization, and disposability. Like all natives of the New World, their populations were first ravaged by European diseases, and they lacked the level of organization that the white settlers had. Different from the Central and South American settlers that the Spanish had encountered, however, these Indians seemed disposable to the Jamestown settlers; they served no economic purpose after Virginians planted their own crops, and they couldn't be put to work in any kind of encomienda system. Overall, European colonialization dramatically changed the Indians' way of life across the continent. Horses sparked the movement by the Sioux onto the great plains, disease devastated entire cultures, and competition for trade with Europeans encouraged inter-tribal rivalries.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

3 apr 2018


1 gen 1644 anni
1 gen 1646 anni
~ 2 years