// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Transnĩxcrekõnsi War (11 apr 1952 anni – 23 lugl 1953 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

The Transnĩxcrekõnsi War (11 apr 1952 anni – 23 lugl 1953 anni)


Also called the Naitan Red Spring.
Transnĩxcrekõns (UHSR support) vs Naita
Various Haddakuist Transnĩxcrekõnsi rebels rose up in the Eastern province of Transnĩxcrekõns in Naita to create the sovereign Čãwpãmi Naitan Haddakuist Socialist Republic. Due to the lack of experience and innefficient Naitan army, Naita could not put down the rebellion right away. The rebels gained a foothold in the East and eventually, major conflict between the two sides died down to small encounters. The war was never officially declared won or lost by either side but a mutual end to the war was noticed.
Undecisive Transnĩxcrekõnsi victory
Technically ongoing

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

4 giorni fa


11 apr 1952 anni
23 lugl 1953 anni
~ 1 years and 3 months