June 15, 2024

The Center for Critical Race & Digital Studies (10 nov 2017 anni – 10 nov 2017 anni)


The Center for Critical Race and Digital Studies (CR+DS) is a network of prominent, public scholars of color who produce research, distribute knowledge, and convene stakeholders at the intersections of race and technology. Our affiliates include social scientists, artists, computer scientists, cultural critics, lawyers, policymakers, ethicists, journalists who understand digital media technology manifest racialized power relationships throughout our societies. We produce cutting edge research that illuminate how race, ethnicity and identity shape and are shaped by the design, deployment and use of digital technology applications and platforms, and how these technologies structure power to impact communities of color. We mobilize our collective knowledge, expertise, and life experiences as scholars of color to inform and engage the public and influence the public agenda. We aim to ensure that the technologies we design and build strengthen democracy, reduce inequality and discrimination, minimize disparate harms, expand opportunity ad provide the means to build and strengthen community, empower communities of color.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 nov 2017 anni
10 nov 2017 anni
~ 0 min
