June 15, 2024

WWII (1 sett 1939 anni – 2 sett 1945 anni)


Theme: WAR

- real wages rose by up to 70%
- war ended the depression (and the New Deal brought in by Roosevelt had helped)
- Lend-Lease act at the start of the war (agreed to provide supplies for allies, kick-starts production)
- demand for labour increased as war progressed (due to the losses on the battlefield, growth in the armed forces and an end to immigration) provided opportunities for workers and demand for women and African Americans goes up (but don't have full acceptance to trade unions and don't have equal pay)
- union membership increased significantly (industrialised, more skilled workforce, wages rose, workers became more important and there was a higher demand for labour)
- NWLB revived and had full control of industry (largely took away control from employers and were supportive of unions although the President was given the power to take control of factories where strike action threatened the war effort
- 4.5 million workers by 1946 had been involved in industrial action (workers more assertive and confident)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 sett 1939 anni
2 sett 1945 anni
~ 6 years