June 15, 2024

Hungarian Soviet Republic (Magyarországi Szocialista Szövetséges Tanácsköztársaság) (21 marzo 1919 anni – 1 agos 1919 anni)


The Socialist Federative Republic of Councils in Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarországi Szocialista Szövetséges Tanácsköztársaság), mostly known as the Hungarian Soviet Republic (Hungarian: Magyar Szovjet-köztársaság), literally the Republic of Councils in Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarországi Tanácsköztársaság) was a short lived Communist state from 21 March 1919 until 1 August 1919 (133 days), succeeding the First Hungarian Republic. The head of government was Sándor Garbai, but the influence of the foreign minister Béla Kun from the Hungarian Communist Party was much stronger. Unable to reach an agreement with the Triple Entente, which maintained an economic blockade in Hungary, tormented by neighboring countries for territorial disputes, and invested by profound internal social changes, the soviet republic failed in its objectives and was abolished a few months after its existence. The presentation of the Vix Note led to the fall of Mihály Károlyi's government, which was by then devoid of significant support, and the proclamation of the soviet republic by 12 March. Its main figure was the Communist Béla Kun, despite the fact that the majority of the new government was Socialist. The new system effectively concentrated power in the governing councils, which exercised it in the name of the working class.

The Hungarian heads of government applied doctrinal measures in both foreign and domestic policy that made them lose the favor of the majority of the population. The attempt of the new executive to profoundly change the lifestyle and the system of values of the population proved to be a resounding failure; the effort to convert Hungary, which still had the aftermath of the Habsburg period, into a socialist society was unsuccessful due to a number of elements, namely lack of time, experienced administrative and organizational staff, as well as inexperience, both political and economic, in some of the maneuvering activities. The attempt to win the sympathies of the peasants met with general indifference, since encouraging agricultural production and supplying the cities at the same time was not a process that could be completed in a short period of time. After the withdrawal from Slovakia, the application of some measures aimed at regaining popular support was ordered, without great success; in particular, the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages was repealed, the delivery of some plots to peasants was planned without land, and attempts were made to improve the monetary situation and food supply. Unable to apply them, the soviet republic had already lost the support of the majority of the population between June and July, which led, together with military defeats, to its inexorable ruin. The failure of internal reform was joined by that of foreign policy; the political and economic isolation of the Triple Entente, the military failure in the face of neighboring countries and the impossibility of joining forces with the Red Army units contributed to the collapse of the soviet republic. The Socialist–Communist government was succeeded by an exclusively Socialist one on 1 August; the Communists left Budapest and went abroad,

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


21 marzo 1919 anni
1 agos 1919 anni
~ 4 months and 13 days
