June 15, 2024

1467 - 1469 Second IRMANDINOS Revolt (1 gen 1467 anni – 31 dic 1469 anni)


The Irmandiño revolts (or Irmandiño Wars) were two revolts that took place in the 15th-century Kingdom of Galicia against attempts by the regional nobility to maintain their rights over the peasantry and bourgeoisie.

The revolts were also part of the larger phenomenon of popular revolts in late medieval Europe caused by the general economic and demographic crises in Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries.

The Great Irmandiño War (Galician: Gran Guerra Irmandiña) broke out in 1467, but Alonso de Lanzós had begun forming a "general brotherhood" (irmandade xeral) a few years earlier with the backing of Henry IV and various municipal councils of A Coruña, Betanzos, Ferrol, and Lugo.

During the war, the municipal councils became primary actors, giving the conflict the characteristics of a true civil war rather than just a revolt, as had occurred three decades earlier.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1467 anni
31 dic 1469 anni
~ 3 years