June 15, 2024

Construction of the Space Needle (17 apr 1961 anni – 8 dic 1961 anni)


In 1959, Seattle hotel executive Edward E. Carlson, who was a chief organizer of the 1962 World’s Fair, traveled to Stuttgart Germany where he was inspired by a broadcast tower featuring a restaurant. He doodled an idea of a dominant central structure for the fair on a napkin in a hotel café convinced that such a tower could make a permanent center-piece for the fair and an enduring symbol for Seattle. He called it a “Space Needle.” Construction finally ended in the 8th of December, 1961, becoming the cities new tallest building at 605 feet, taller than the Smith Tower. 3 Workers died during the construction of it.

source-space needle

added by Gabe

edited by Spencer

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


17 apr 1961 anni
8 dic 1961 anni
~ 7 months