June 15, 2024

the Korean war (25 giug 1950 anni – 27 lugl 1953 anni)


the Korean war began in 1950 when the north Korean peoples army came across the 38th parallel. the boundary between north and south Korea. this was the first military action of the cold war. after some back and forth fighting over the 38th parallel the fighting slowed down and casualties grew. By this point two powers had entered the war the United states fighting alongside the South and the Peoples Republic of China fighting alongside the North. Meanwhile American officials worked on a armistice with the north Koreans they feared the alternative would be a wider war with the USSR and china or even WWIII. Finally, in July 1953, after 3 years of fighting the Korean War came to a close. In total about 5 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives in what many in the U.S.A. refer to as “the Forgotten War” for the lack of attention it received compared to more well known wars like WW1, WW2 and the Vietnam War. The Korean peninsula has remained divided to this day.

Added by Gabe Edited by Jacob

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


25 giug 1950 anni
27 lugl 1953 anni
~ 3 years