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April 1, 2024

The War of Javician Succession (21 magg 1619 anni – 9 nov 1625 anni)


Velzenia, Krilkot vs Javicia, Harogia, Mauria, Duyavarm
Javician victory
The War of Javician Succession, also called the Tsevdan War in Velzenia, was an attempt made by the Velzen Empire to put a Velzen monarch onto the Javician throne (this was the short term goal). The long term goal was to eventually integrate the Javician Empire into the Velzen Empire by a personal union between the Velzen monarchs. This however failed and in turn, severly depleted the Velzen resources for their military. After this war, a time of troubles came and devasted the empire.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

4 giorni fa


21 magg 1619 anni
9 nov 1625 anni
~ 6 years and 5 months