// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Destruction of the Northern Bison Herds (Yumiko) (1 gen 1830 anni – 31 dic 1890 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

The Destruction of the Northern Bison Herds (Yumiko) (1 gen 1830 anni – 31 dic 1890 anni)


In 1830 the Destruction of the Bison herds began. The Native Americans were pushed to the east from the west, expressing their anger towards the Bisons. Around in the 18’s the Northern Pacific Railroad was built, killing any bisons that blocked their way. It was known there used to be approximately 20-40 million bisons that roamed the Plains. The population of bison’s deaths increased, causing a huge impact on the aboriginals. They survive of these massive animals. The Natives gain many helpful tools by transforming the bison’s fur to blankets and tipis, meat for food or even their sinews for bowstrings and threads. The population of Bisons today are higher than 500,000 and is constantly developing. This event ended around in the 1890’s.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1830 anni
31 dic 1890 anni
~ 61 years
