June 15, 2024

1918 Flue Pandemic (Spanish Flu) (1 gen 1918 anni – 1 gen 1920 anni)


Where: Literally everywhere (including extremely remote islands and the Arctic).

Disease: Influenza (Flu)

Cause: H1N1 influenza virus

Origin: The first confirmed case was in Fort Riley, KS (yay?). However, the actual origin of the virus is debated and there is no outstanding answer. The most recent theories suggest China, although the Chinese health agency has disagreed with these claims.

Transmission: Bringing orifices into contact with fluids/aerosols expelled by a contagious person. Can happen directly, indirectly, or by touching a contaminated surface.

-Fever & chills
-Runny nose
-Sore throat
-Pneumonia (extreme cases)
-Other typical flu symptoms

Death toll: Around 50-100 million

Non-lethal infections: Around 400 million

End: Some have suggested that doctors got better at treating the pneumonia that the virus caused and containing infected patients, but a more likely explanation is that the virus rapidly mutated into a less lethal strain to avoid killing all of its hosts.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

8 feb 2018


1 gen 1918 anni
1 gen 1920 anni
~ 2 years