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April 1, 2024

Evidence of cultural practices (click here) (21 dic 1120 anni – 16 gen 1200 anni)


Ramadhan ( fasting for a month),
Ramadan (Arabic رمضان) or Ramadan the month of the Muslim fast (Saum) is one of the five pillars of Islam. During the month of Ramadan, believing Muslims refuse to drink, drink, smoke, and intimidate during the day. The duration of the month is 29 or 30 days and depends on the lunar calendar (fasting begins early dawn (after the morning azan) and ends after sunset (after the evening azan).

Every day before the fast, Muslims talk about the intention (niyit) roughly in the following form: "I am going to make the month of Ramadan tomorrow, for the sake of Allah". It is desirable that the Muslims, half an hour before sunrise, finish the morning meal (suhur) and start ithtar (iftar) immediately after the separation begins. To catch water, milk, dates, etc. Every day, after an overnight prayer (isha), Muslims collectively voluntarily pray for packs of 8 or 20 rak'ahs. In the last ten days of the month comes al-Qadr (the night of power, the night of predestination). On the first day of the month Shavall, in honor of the end of Ramadan, there is a feast of fasting (Turk "Uraza-Bayram"). On this day, Muslims perform id pray and pay obligatory alms (zakat al-fitr).

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

7 feb 2018


21 dic 1120 anni
16 gen 1200 anni
~ 79 years