June 15, 2024

Tech: Performance/Motion Capture: -Translate unique characteristics from an actor into a new character -Was Originated from medical usage -Body Tracking -Head-mounted Cameras allowing facial Tracking (19 dic 2002 anni – 17 dic 2009 anni)


Performance Capture, also well known as motion capture. Was originally intended for medical usage to study joint related illnesses and analysing movements for medical purposes. ("Motion Capture in Medicine – Hinge", 2021)

Weta Digital, a visual effects company primarily know for it's performance capture in CGI projects such as 'Lord of the rings: The Two Towers' (2002), 'King Kong' (2005) & 'Avatar' (2009). ("A visual history of performance capture at Weta Digital - befores & afters", 2021)

Helped shape the way of life like animations for CGI Characters from an actors movements using optical trackers, which became more prevalent as the progression of facial tracking using head mounted cameras for animating facial expressions, setting a new standard for big budget CGI Characters by introducing the world to CGI Characters such as Gollum, Kong & Neytiri. ("Gollum | Weta Digital", 2021) ("Kong | Weta Digital", 2021) ("Neytiri | Weta Digital", 2021)

A visual history of performance capture at Weta Digital - befores & afters. befores & afters. (2021). Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://beforesandafters.com/2019/08/21/a-visual-history-of-performance-capture-at-weta-digital/.

Andy Serkis Breaks Down His Motion Capture Performances | WIRED. Youtube.com. (2021). Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpRLTfVEhMk.

Eric Vilas-Boas, J. (2021). The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History. Vulture. Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://www.vulture.com/article/most-influential-best-scenes-animation-history.html.

Gollum | Weta Digital. Wetafx.co.nz. (2021). Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://www.wetafx.co.nz/films/case-studies/gollum/.

History Of Motion Capture In Movies. Youtube.com. (2021). Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKjD-xf8jUA.

Kong | Weta Digital. Wetafx.co.nz. (2021). Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://www.wetafx.co.nz/films/case-studies/kong/.

Motion Capture in Medicine – Hinge. Hellohinge.com. (2021). Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://hellohinge.com/motion-capture-in-medicine/#:~:text=Motion%20capture%20is%20being%20used,diagnose%20and%20treat%20their%20patients.&text=Motion%20capture%20is%20the%20process,on%20a%20digital%203D%20model.

Neytiri | Weta Digital. Wetafx.co.nz. (2021). Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://www.wetafx.co.nz/films/case-studies/neytiri/.

The evolution of animation - a timeline | Fudge Animation. Fudge Animation. (2021). Retrieved 7 May 2021, from https://www.fudgeanimation.com/2018/11/the-evolution-of-animation-a-timeline/.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

9 mag 2021


19 dic 2002 anni
17 dic 2009 anni
~ 7 years
