June 15, 2024

The Komagata Maru (15 ore 31 min, 23 magg 1914 anni – 11 ore 43 min, 23 lugl 1914 anni)


Even though the Immigration Act did not directly prohibit specific nationalities or ethnic groups from entering Canada, the continuous journey regulation made it difficult for many immigrants to even set foot in Canada. A regulation was added in 1908 to the Immigration Act that stated that all immigrants coming to Canada had to travel by continuous journey from their country of origin. If a French immigrant, who lived in the United States attempted to travel to Canada they would be denied access because they did not directly travel from France to Canada.

This new revision made it extremely difficult for Asian immigrants to gain entry to Canada because it was so far away. On May 23rd, 1914 a Japanese Steamship called the Komagata Maru arrived in Vancouver B.C after making a long journey from Hong Kong carrying 376 passengers from India. Most of the passengers who were male and Sikh were seeking admission to Canada and despite carefully planning their journey to meet the strict requirement, they were still denied entry upon their arrival.

The passengers refused to return to India and remained on board the ship in the Vancouver for more than two months while in a standoff with the Canadian officials.
While shipped was docked in the Vancouver Harbors, the government initially denied food and water to the passengers, but a shore committee of South Asian citizens managed to get some supplies on board.

The shipped was forced to leave on July 23, 1914, two months after the arriving. When the ship arrived in India two months later, the British tried to arrest about 20 passengers that were identified as leaders but when they resisted arrest. a riot broke out and 20 of them were shot.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

7 feb 2018


15 ore 31 min, 23 magg 1914 anni
11 ore 43 min, 23 lugl 1914 anni
~ 2 months