June 15, 2024

Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV) (1 agos 1345 anni a. C. – 30 sett 1340 anni a. C.)



Akhet-Aton (3ht-'itn) means "where the sun-disk rises" represented by the hieroglyph exactly imitating the sun appearing in the notch of the mountain in Amarna. The temple in the city was inaugurated on IV Peret 13 in year 5 of Akhenaten and commemorated in Year 6 on the same date525. The fact that the temple is oriented exactly in line with the Royal Wadi526 suggests that Akhenaten chose to inaugurate the city, the precise day when the sun rose in the notch of the mountain, illuminating the temple like a laser beam. The simulation of sunrise observed at that location527 (14th century BCE) indicates that it appeared at 4:38 UT in the notch of the mountain528 only two days in the year: 3/4 March and 5/6 November, as the apparent path of the sun drift of about 0.4° per day at the horizon (0° altitude) goes back and forth between the two extreme positions reached at solstices on 1st January and 5 July (spring equinox is on 2 April at that time529). This implies that the equation: IV Peret 13 = 3 March530 [day of solar illumination in the temple] was satisfied only for 4 years, from 1341 to 1338 BCE. As the commemoration of IV Peret 13 stopped at the 6th year of Akhenaten (no 7th year), we can assume that it was the last year of his reign without co-regency (17th year from his co-regency). The accession of Akhenaten being located on I or II Peret, his 5th year began around January 1341 BCE and his 6th year to January 1340 BCE531. His father Amenhotep III died on April 1345 BCE during the year 38 of his reign. Letter EA 106 was written 5 years after the beginning of the war (1352 BCE) and EA 116 after Akhenaten sat on the throne.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 agos 1345 anni a. C.
30 sett 1340 anni a. C.
~ 4 years and 10 months
