June 15, 2024

Thutmose II (1 sett 1472 anni a. C. – 31 lugl 1469 anni a. C.)



The length of the reign of Thutmose II can be checked by listing the number of scarabs assigned to each pharaoh (Gabolde: 1987, 61-81) and assuming a normal statistical distribution (constant average production rate).

Assuming an annual average of 20/30, we obtain a reign of about 3 years (= 65/20 or 90/30) for Thutmose II, not 13 years. A second way of checking the length of this reign comes from the biography of Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet who claims to have reached a good old age after serving several pharaohs from Ahmose until the death of Hatshepsut, or 82 years (25+20+12+3+22). If he had started at the age of 18, he would have reached 100 years (110 years old with 13 years of reign). Even though the co-regency between Hatshepsut and Thutmose III is well documented since Thutmose III ruled with her until year 22 (then he ruled alone), it is more complicated than it seems75. Thutmose III argues, for example, having ruled alongside his father Thutmose II (Lalouette: 1986, 201-203, 257-260), in fact Queen Hatshepsut. In addition, she celebrated in the year 16 of Thutmose III a jubilee commemorating the 30 years of reign of her father Thutmose I (who reigned 12 years and 9 months), which proves that her reign began (in fact Thutmose III's reign) in year 1 of Thutmose II (Wente, Van Siclen: 1977, 220-221). This way of proceeding is classical, as shown in the case of the female pharaoh Tausert who pursued the reign of Siptah, her husband, after his death. Hatshepsut claimed, when her husband died, having received a right to the regency from her father Thutmose I, who would also have ordered the two obelisks of year 16 (Urk. IV, 358). Therefore, she dated her years of reign in the name of Thutmose III but in continuation of the reign of her ex-husband Thutmose II, which led to believe a co-regency between these two pharaohs (Gabolde: 1987, 61-81; Gabolde: 2005, 261-286). Her commemoration of a jubilee in year 16 for the 30-year reign of her father Thutmose I proves that she began her reign (actually that of Thutmose III) in year 1 of Thutmose II, because the 30 years include the combination of 13 years of Thutmose I, the 3 years of Thutmose II and the first 13 years of his actual reign. In fact, the 30 years of this jubilee are shorter than those of a traditional jubilee, because it actually covers the reigns of three successive pharaohs. Two of these years of reign are shorter because they are counted from Pharaoh's accession to the accession of the next Pharaoh (starting at the death of the previous Pharaoh). Some Egyptologists consider this jubilee (sed festival celebrated after 30 years of reign) as fanciful, but this assumption is illogical, because the Pharaohs were guarantor of ceremonial and they would not have changed it without compelling (and explained) reason. In addition, we find that adding the successive reigns of Thutmose I (13 years) and the first 16 years of Thutmose III we obtain the 29 years (=13 + 16) necessary to celebrate a jubilee76. Using durations from Manetho for the reigns of Amenhotep I and Thutmose I (reigned 12 years 5 months, died around Egyptian month XI) and that obtained from the frequency of scarabs for Thutmose II (3 years), it is possible to reconstruct a chronology of the reign of Amenhotep I. The reign of Thutmose III pursuing Thutmose II's reign (through the proxy of Hatshepsut) his accession's date of I Shemu 4 does not match that of Thutmose II, which prevents calculating the month of accession in 1472 BCE, probably around month XI (as the construction of two obelisks lasted 7 months, from 15/VI/15 to 30/XII/16, the accession must be just before month XII).

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 sett 1472 anni a. C.
31 lugl 1469 anni a. C.
~ 3 years
