July 1, 2024

The Towns hend Acts (13 ore 12 min, 15 giug 1767 anni – 17 ore 29 min, 2 lugl 1767 anni)


The Townshend Acts were an array of rules passed by the British Parliament on the American colonies in 1767. The Townshend Acts pleced additional taxes and removed some freedom from the colonists, some of them

1. British Officials had the rights to search houses and businesses that belonged to the colonists
2. An American Customs Board was established in Boston, and it was for collecting taxes
3. New courts were set up in America to prosecute smugglers
4. New taxes were charged on imports such as paper, lead, glass, tea and paint

The Townshend Acts got their name from Charles Townshend, the man who introduced these to the British Parliament. The Townshend Act was made particularly because the salaries of the officials, such as judges and governors, had to be paid. The American colonies were upset because they didn't have a representative in the British Parliament.

The Townshend Act had some results as well. John Dickinson wrote an array of essays called LETTERS FROM A FARMER IN PENNSYLVANIA. He declared that the taxes set a troubling authorative example, and if the colonists paid, there would soon be more taxes approaching. Many merchants throughout the colonies organized boycotts against the British goods. They also began to smuggle in goods to avoid having to pay the taxes.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


13 ore 12 min, 15 giug 1767 anni
17 ore 29 min, 2 lugl 1767 anni
~ 17 days