// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Kirrot Revolution (15 ottob 1938 anni – 22 gen 1941 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

The Kirrot Revolution (15 ottob 1938 anni – 22 gen 1941 anni)


Kirrosi Revolutionaries vs Krilkot

The Kirrosi Revolutionaries did not want to be ruled by Krilkot after the annexation of Kirros. Tensions grew to extreme levels after the death of a famous Kirrosi revolutionary, Ári Ssv́zzo, and lead to protests and rebellions across the former lands of Kirros. Many revolutionaries were also anti-monarchists and were seeking to install a democratic republic instead of the former Kingdom of Kirros.

The war has also caused the rise of multiple organized criminal groups throughout both Rev. Kirros and Krilkot. Primarily in the Esapoŕ Duchy, Kirros Duchy, and the Hargot Barony for Krilkot and all over Kirros. These gangs and organizations have added to the death penalty and the overall chaos in the Kirrosi region.

The revolution eventually evolved into the Merrician War, where the fall of Krilkot finally took place.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

4 giorni fa


15 ottob 1938 anni
22 gen 1941 anni
~ 2 years and 3 months