June 15, 2024

During the plague (the "Dark Years") (11 ore 6 min, 11 giug 2021 anni – 3 ore 30 min, 24 magg 2028 anni)


Named for the almost seven years that the world went silent, this deadly disease tore the world apart and left humanity in ruins.

At first, hospitals and communications were kept online, but as the population quickly plummeted to less than 2/3 of its original size, this became impossible. Looting and murder became commonplace, laws long forgotten.

The suffering and pain that many endured left them envying the dead. Your next meal and your neighbor were two things that were nearly synonymous for both the starved and mentally broken. Former first-world nations were defenseless against the disease and fell into anarchy.

This was the end of the world, the last humans were truly sure of it... But against all odds, they survived. Over the last two years of the plague's reign, fewer and fewer people died - and the humans were taking notice. Before dawn on the 24th of May, 2028, one last victim fell and the virus died out with him.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


11 ore 6 min, 11 giug 2021 anni
3 ore 30 min, 24 magg 2028 anni
~ 6 years and 11 months