June 15, 2024

Reign of Alexander the Great (20 lugl 336 anni a. C. – 10 giug 323 anni a. C.)


Alexander launches his invasion of the Middle East, forging the largest empire hitherto within in remarkably short reign. The invasion is inspired by and supported in the desire to revenge the devastation of the Greco-Persian wars; the Achaemenid Empire is brought down as a result, ending Persian control of the Middle-East and ushering the Hellenistic era in which Greek culture is proliferated as far as parts of India.

There are many fascinating tales of Alexander's life and exploits. He was a man possessed with the determination to take on and surpass the legends of Hercules and later Dionysus and the campaigns of Cyrus the Great. This desire leads him to many irrational and sometimes ill-fated decisions: such as the siege of Malhi in an effort to inspire his dissident men and accomplish what the heroes of Greek antiquity and legend could not, leads the first assault on the great Indian fortification, in which he is trapped and isolated with only his royal guard, in desperation his men storm the fortifications to save him, he is found under the shield Achilles with what was nearly a fatal wound; or the crossing of the Gedrosian Desert in 326 BC which he looses an estimated three quarters of his army on a gruelling sixty day march all to accomplish a feat which Cyrus the Great wisely did not undertake.

The life of Alexander falls into a state of legend and deification following his death in Babylon while preparing an invasion force to conquer Arabia - causes of death are either an assassination, a drinking competition, numerous injuries incurred or most likely a mixture of these factors. Alexander leaves only infant sons and no substantive designs for his empire it immediately fractures into a number of kingdoms controlled by one of his sons and various generals; the most prominent of which Ptolemy I who reigns in Egypt, steals Alexander's body upon its return to the Greek mainland entombing it at Alexandria. This like all artefacts of Alexander, becomes a major propaganda tool and demonstration of prestige.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


20 lugl 336 anni a. C.
10 giug 323 anni a. C.
~ 13 years
