June 15, 2024

[22] Reign of Wodov II N. (2 giug 1742 anni – 6 lugl 1742 anni)


Nephew of Yerok
Born 1728
Due to his youth, he still held quite a bit of innocence but still was raised in the arts of war, keeping the rebel forces from completely overrunning Nevashivi. After about a month of defensive fighting close to the Javician capital, Wodov called for peace between Javicia and all rebel movements. Originally, Wodov offered a lot more freedoms to the provinces, the end of the Javician caste system, the creation of a democratic body within the Empire, and for his abdication and renouncement of his and his family's claims to the throne. However, this was almost unanimously rejected by joint rebel forces and instead the terms for Javicia were agreed upon. The dissolution of the Javician Empire, the end of the Javician caste system, the end of the Javician Slave Trade, the dissolution of the Notetstok Dynasty in the Javician Union, the abdication of Wodov the Second, and the renouncement of Wodov and his family's claim to all lands and titles.

Wodov and his dynasty was subsequently banned from all former Javician nations, and were banished from the Javician Union. They moved to United States of Jozek in Johjek until the end of the Notetstok family.

Wodov and his brother entered the illegal trading business quickly in Johjek and joined and left multiple crime organizations. The two eventually formed their own organization known as the Serpents of God in 1751. The Serpents of God quickly consolidated power in the foothills of the Ribyth Mountians in Southern U.S.J. and became a criminal powerhouse there. They expanded their business into the neighboring regions and nations and eventually expanded overseas into Yueroki and Xoxebati. The organization was abolished in the mid 1800s due to the multiple reforms and crackdowns on organized crime in the U.S.J.. The organization was refounded in 1887 and quickly gained control of all of their former territories by 1904. The Serpents of God became the largest and most powerful organized criminal organization in the world by 1915. By this point, the organization transported illegal drugs, alcohol, and weapons to both sides of the Fourth Hells War and many other conflcits and nations. In 1926, the organization was completely destroyed by both a rival organization and by multiple nations in Johjek. The remaining parts of the organization became isolated and diverged their focuses on their regions, thus creating new groups, separated for good. The Notetstok family controlled the Serpents of God for about 55 years, until the death of Wodov's grandson, Erethor Notetstok in 1806.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


2 giug 1742 anni
6 lugl 1742 anni
~ 1 months and 4 days