June 15, 2024

[16] Reign of Javik N. (26 sett 1712 anni – 5 feb 1717 anni)


He married a Tl̀a woman after meeting her when his family was invited to the Wè̃sìysan Republic in Soleia. Emperor Javik was known for being obsessed with the Soleian peoples. His sister killed him for these reasons as she saw him as not focusing on the Yueroki part of the Empire. His descendents currently live in Šmẽsyanoiglõ, Mahipenta (Soleia). Javik did not approve of the enslavement of the Soleian people and instead pushed for focusing on the Yokug people. Javik also invited the formerly banished merchant families to return to Javicia to help reestablish the economy and the merchant class. This move created anger and fury in the noble class as they felt betrayed by Javik. The noble class created a plot to kill him and his sister was convinced into joining, however she did not kill him for his economic beliefs.

Emperor Javik was known for passing hundreds of reforms to better help the Javician Empire and its people. For this, he was called Javik the Savior. He did, however, lectured about a more refined social structure where he placed the noble and merchant class into one group and the high upper class being designated as the religious and imperial classes. Javik did pass a law that was the most important reform in Javician history. This reform was called the Electoral Reform, where he introduced the beginning of democratic eletions for nobles. This reform did not change much in Javicia as the elections were obviously rigged and some were just completely abandoned, the reform helped the eventual republics of Javicia to limit their noble classes. Emperor Javik is often considered one of the greatest monarchs of Javicia, regardless of his short reign. His sister continued his political and economical ideas and beliefs. The years of both the reigns of both Javik and Nongpã are collectivly called the Latè Period

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


26 sett 1712 anni
5 feb 1717 anni
~ 4 years and 4 months