// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Taiping Rebellion (27 dic 1849 anni – 26 dic 1864 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Taiping Rebellion (27 dic 1849 anni – 26 dic 1864 anni)


A rebellion against the Qing dynasty, led by Hong Xiuqua who developed a religious ideology influenced by elements of Protestant Christianity - objective was to found a new dynasty, the Taiping (great peace).
This attracted many famine-stricken peasants, workers, and miners (poorer classes) as they were strongly discontented with the corrupt and decaying Chinese government
The rebels captured Nanjing in 1853 and made it their capital. The Western powers (mainly British), who at first agreed with the movement, soon realized that the Qing dynasty might collapse along with foreign trade = offered military help and led the Ever-Victorious Army, which protected Shanghai from the Taipings = Taipings were finally defeated

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

21 gen 2018


27 dic 1849 anni
26 dic 1864 anni
~ 15 years