June 15, 2024

Historical Period 1 (1 gen 1200 anni – 1 gen 1450 anni)


1. Song Dynasty (960-1279): Practiced filial piety, Neo-Confucianism, and Buddhism. Depended on farmers to irrigate and grow champa rice. Exported steel and porcelain. Used paper money.
2. Crusades (1095-1492): A series of holy wars spearheaded by European Christians intent upon taking back the holy land from Muslims.
3. Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526): Mainly consisted of converted (to Islam) Turks. Hindu and Islamic traditions were blended.
4. Magna Carta signed (1215): Established that everyone, even the king, was subject to the law. Produced the idea that people's liberties should be protected by the law. Guaranteed right to a fair trial.
5. Peak of Mongol Rule and Mongol Peace on the Silk Roads (1279): Peace in Eurasia under the Mongol Empire. The Silk Roads thrived under Mongol protection, causing trade and culture to spread.
6. Ottoman Empire (1299-1923): Bureaucratic government that used devshirme (system that took young Christian boys and trained them to serve the state). This Islamic Empire charged taxes on communities that they ruled over to practice non-Islamic religions and used firearms.
7. Black Death in Europe (1347-1388): A plague that started and Asia and spread through trade, transmitted by fleas. Wiped out about 1/3 of Europe.
8. Ming Dynasty (1368-1644): Built the forbidden city and revived the bureaucratic civil service exam system. Last imperial dynasty ruled by Hans. Expanded trade and established ties to the west.
9. Aztec Empire (1428-1521): Had chinampas (islands for agriculture in swampland), an advanced economy, trade, and governmental system. Practiced human sacrifice and gender parallelism.
10. Inca Empire (1438-1533): Used quipu system rather than writing. Had an extensive road system and practiced terrace farming. Used labor system (mita) wherein everyone had to work periodically for the state. Had gender parallelism.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

18 dic 2020


1 gen 1200 anni
1 gen 1450 anni
~ 250 years