June 15, 2024

[25] Rextèxec Term (10 gen 1878 anni – 10 gen 1883 anni)


25th Tsĩvgalè
Vice President: Javik Tothek
The Tsĩvgalèploi of Relcè Rextèxec. He is regarded as one of the greatest Tsĩvgalès in Oipientian history, especially for the amount of reforms he passed that helped the people, rather than himself.

He pushed for numerous labor reforms such as psuhing for an 16 hour work day from the previous 18 hour workday, for women to be able to work industrial jobs, and banned children 10 and below from working and enforced required education for kids ages 5-16. Most of these reforms were completely reversed during the Tothek period.

On January 16, 1882, Rextèxec was visiting Banuria, Grossya and slipped on the steps going down from the Palace of Parliament. He fell down 4 flights of stairs, causing horrilbe harm to him. He broke 4 bones and was transported immediately to a local hospital. His fall caused him to be immoble for the rest of 1882 to 1883 and forced him to not run for a second term.

Ethnicity: Oipientian (born in Rebinethi)
Oipientian Socialist Party

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 gen 1878 anni
10 gen 1883 anni
~ 5 years