// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Incans (1438-1572 C.E.) (1 gen 1438 anni – 1 gen 1572 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Incans (1438-1572 C.E.) (1 gen 1438 anni – 1 gen 1572 anni)


Located in the Andes region of South America, they were an Empire that was a largely polytheistic society, who believed in the Divine Mandate and that their leader was meant to rule, with a strong central government, with the emperors as control freaks. Their hierarchy was an Emperor, then nobility, then commoners, then serfs(workers), then slaves. They were agricultural people who built roads, bridges, and hill-side terraces to use as a means to get around and farm on. They had no form of writing, but rather some ropes with knotted cords to record information called quipus. Men and women had different roles in society and they didn't interfere with the other gender's roles. They did not have a form of currency.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1438 anni
1 gen 1572 anni
~ 134 years