June 15, 2024

The Third Hells War (21 marzo 1864 anni – 1 nov 1876 anni)


Also Known as the War of 1864.
Virasema vs Javicia and Esaslèm vs Oipienta
Virasema and Oipienta both claimed Javicia while Esaslèm was in power until a chosen heir was put into power in Javicia. Oipienta also claimed Esaslèm.
Oipientian and Viraseman Victory.
Tsvikath Dalvon Silyonic of Javicia was heir less and was at the age of 89. On his death bead, Dalvon told his wife, "When I die, do not tell another person that I have passed other than the council so that they find my best successor." Unfortunately, word got out that Dalvon had died and that ruler ship was to go to his cousin, Jaril Silyonic of Esaslèm, for now. Disputes grew about the ruler ship of the Dictatorial Javician Union and eventually war broke out between four different countries. The countries included Esaslèm, Oipienta, Virasema, and Javicia. The war lasted for 12 years and was more of a political war rather than a physical war. Small skirmishes did happen between the countries but they mainly occurred during the Viraseman & Oipientian Invasions of Javicia. Both Javicia and Esaslèm played a game of who could last longer under occupation while Virasema and Oipienta battled it out and drained all resources. The war boosted naval technology tremendously as it was the primary source of the battles and skirmishes. The war came to be known as the Third Hells War and the War of 1864 depending where someone is. The only supplies and food given to Javicia was by Liopo in very small amounts and for Esaslèm, Lower Oipienta sent aid to the country at irregular intervals as Lower Oipienta was preparing for war as a precaution in case Oipienta invades due to pressure from the war. During the conflict, a famine took place known as the Javician Famine of 1867.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


21 marzo 1864 anni
1 nov 1876 anni
~ 12 years