June 15, 2024

Kilimanjaro Wildfire (13 ottob 2020 anni – 21 ottob 2020 anni)


On October 13, a fire broke out on the slopes of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Firefighters are still attempting to battle the flames, but the altitude, strong winds, and dry heat have hampered the ability to do so. While the cause of the fire is unclear, officials believe it may have come from a site preparing food for tourists. (BBC)

“The fire has finally been put out,” a SummitClimb guide reported today, after safely descending Kilimanjaro with his party, “but it has burnt a very big area and caused significant damage to Horombo station.”

The National Park Service (TANAPA) says that the Kilimanjaro fire has destroyed 95km (five percent) of the mountain’s vegetation. It is unknown whether the Marangu and other affected routes remain closed to mountaineers, so anyone with plans to go should contact their operator. General information about Kilimanjaro is available here. (Explorers Web)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


13 ottob 2020 anni
21 ottob 2020 anni
~ 8 days