June 15, 2024

Protests Emerge in Nigeria (8 ottob 2020 anni – 21 ottob 2020 anni)


On October 8, mass protests emerged in Nigeria after weeks of rising tensions surrounding police brutality from a specific unit. Lately, the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) has been accused of kidnapping, harassment, and extortion. Many Nigerian celebrities are joining the protests and calling attention to them online. On October 13, it was reported that at least 10 people have died during the police brutality protests in Nigeria. It was reported that these people were killed by Nigerian Police. Since the protests started last week, the SARS unit has been disassembled. (CNN)

On October 21, protests against Nigerian SARS police unit entered their third week. On October 20, many eyewitnesses reported seeing protesters being shot by police. A curfew has been imposed in Lagos, and eyewitnesses reported that once the curfew time began, the Nigerian army entered the area and began shooting. The curfew has since been changed to be a 24-hour curfew, in Lagos in an attempt to quell protests. A number of casualties has not been reported. On October 22, the death toll due from the Nigerian protests rose to 56. Protesters set fire to a prison in Lagos. Witnesses reported seeing prisoners trying to break out before the army and police officers arrived. There have been reports that a warehouse containing food and medical supplies has also been ransacked. (CNN/BBC)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


8 ottob 2020 anni
21 ottob 2020 anni
~ 13 days