June 15, 2024

California Wild Fires (3 agos 2020 anni – 12 ore 58 min, 26 ottob 2020 anni)


On August 18, California’s governor declared a state of emergency as a heat wave worsened the fires. While some people are evacuated due to smoke and fires, thousands are without power due to the heat wave. As of August 18, more than two dozen fires are burning across the state. At least 145,000 acres have been burned thus far. By August 23, more than 560 wildfires had burned 1 million acres in California. Due to the pandemic, the state is seeing a shortage in firefighters with no end in sight for the fires. On August 23, President Trump declared a major disaster in California and released federal aid to fight the wildfires. (CNN)

On September 6, the wildfires in California set a new record, scorching 2,094,955 acres, which is the most acres burned in one year. Experts believe this number will only grow as wildfire season is typically October and November. The wildfires were only exacerbated after a heat wave hit the state. On September 7, a pyrotechnic device used at a gender reveal party sparked another wildfire in the state. The fire has since grown 8,600 acres and is only 7% contained. Elsewhere, the Creek Fire forced a whole town to evacuate as it burned 80,000 acres and is 0% contained. On September 8, just one day after record setting high temperatures, Denver, Colorado saw a blizzard-like snowstorm and freezing temperatures. The snow and freezing temperatures was welcome by the state as it helped contain various wildfires in the area. On September 9, the wildfires from California spread to Oregon and Washington, burning hundreds of homes. High temperatures and strong winds are only making the problem worse, forcing areas in the two states to do mass evacuations. By September 12, the West Coast fires had killed at least 28 people. (CNN)

On September 28, two new fires in California burned 10,000 acres in just 24 hours. Firefighters continue to fight 25 different fires in the state. The Grass Fire in Napa County grew rapidly, burning 1,500 acres, forcing many homes and hospitals to evacuate. By September 30, the fires continued to rage across the state. First responders are working towards preventing the spread of fires at the moment. (CNN)

As of October 3, at least two California wildfires were still not managed: The Glass Fire and Zogg Fire. The Glass Fire is only 10% contained and the Zogg Fire is 57% contained. At least 120,000 acres have been destroyed, and at least 40 people have died due to the blazes. The fires are expected to worsen as high temperatures are predicted for the next few days. (CNN)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


3 agos 2020 anni
12 ore 58 min, 26 ottob 2020 anni
~ 2 months and 24 days