// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Global assertivness (10 ottob 1980 anni – 17 nov 1991 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Global assertivness (10 ottob 1980 anni – 17 nov 1991 anni)


1980 November - Republican Party's Ronald Reagan elected president. Reagan goes on to adopt a tough anti-communist foreign policy and tax-cutting policies which lead to a large federal budget deficit.
1981 January - Iran frees the 52 US embassy hostages, on the same day as President Reagan's inauguration.
1983 - US invades Caribbean nation of Grenada, partly prompted by its concerns over the island's ties with Cuba.
1984 - Ronald Reagan re-elected president, beating Democratic Party candidate Walter Mondale.
1986 January - Space shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after take off from Cape Canaveral. All seven crew members are killed. Manned space flights are suspended until September 1988.
1986 - US warplanes bomb Libyan cities. "Irangate" scandal uncovered, revealing that proceeds from secret US arms sales to Iran were used illegally to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
1988 - Reagan's vice-president, George Bush, elected president.
1989 - US troops invade Panama, oust its government and arrest its leader, one-time Central Intelligence Agency informant General Manuel Noriega, on drug-trafficking charges.
1991 - US forces play dominant role in war against Iraq, which was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and ended with the expulsion of Iraqi troops from that country.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 ottob 1980 anni
17 nov 1991 anni
~ 11 years