June 15, 2024

The Great Javician Civil War (15 marzo 1734 anni – 6 lugl 1742 anni)


The Great Civil War of Javicia, often called the Great Civil War, was a war that took place against Javicia and independent rebel groups. Notably the Oipientian and Larifien rebel groups. The war was long and grueling and became one of them ost famous wars of all time in Mhelinist. The war boosted militarism in Yueroki and boosted military tradition. Many farm lands were destroyed and harmed during the war which cuased a central food shortage during and after the war. The end of the civil war caused a major spike in independent movementss throughout the rest of Javicia and would spell the end of the great empire. The collapse of the Javician Empire lead to more national identities in countries and more divided cultures.
Nationalistic Rebels vs Javicia
-Oipientia, Norkhima, Lower Oipienta, Esalem, Mahipenta, Mokhav Larifia, Yeskgvo Larifya, Larif, and Mokirba vs Javicia.
Rebel victory.
Independence of the Oipientian Republc, Duchy of Norkhima, Theocracy of Lower Oipienta, Duchy of Esalem, League of Mahipenta, Kingdom of Mokhav Larifia, Yeskgvo Larifya Confederacy, Kingdom of Larif, and the Mokirvian Kingdom.

The Great Civil War of Javicia, often called the Javician Civil War or the Great Javician Collapse, were numerous civil wars within the Empire of Javicia that all led to the complete and utter collapse of JAvician civilization. The first nation to rebel against the imperial authority was ironically the Oipientians who had founded the empire. As continued unfair taxation on the Oipientian heartland grew while other non-Oipientian regions had taxes softened or slightly raised, anti-imerpial sentiment grew. The tyranny of Emperor Yerok Notetstok also aided in the fueling of revolutionary ideals in the Oipientian region as the ideas of a republic and more democracy flourished.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


15 marzo 1734 anni
6 lugl 1742 anni
~ 8 years and 3 months